Monday, 3 May 2010


Youth Hostel

Auberge de Jeunesse
Hostel opens from January 4 to December 5
Desk opens from 8:00 to 12:00pm – 5:00pm to 12:00am

Impasse Petite Corraterie
Rue des Ecoles Laïques - 04 67 60 32 22

General information: €15,70/night, breakfast included. International application for youth hostels is compulsory (€11/year for people less than 26 years old. €16 for people over 16).
Services: free Internet, breakfast, lunch, picnics, and diner available. Laundry and shops nearby


Hôtel du Littoral **
Rue Anatole France- Impasse St. Sauveur - 04 67 92 28 10
Rooms: from €28 to 58.

Hôtel Colisée-Verdun **
33 rue de Verdun - 04 67 58 42 63
Single room: from €32 to 55.

Hôtel Le Mistral **
25 rue Boussairolles - 04 67 58 45 25
Single room: €46.

Hôtel Kalliste **
14 rue Boussairolles - 04 67 02 76 59
Single room: €49.

Hotel des Arts **
6, Boulevard Victor Hugo - 04 67 58 69 20
Single room: €59.

Hôtel Les Alizés **
14 rue Jules Ferry - 04 67 12 85 35
Single room: €54.

Royal Hotel ***
8 rue Maguelone - 04 67 92 13 36
Single room: between €65 and €95.

Hotel Mercure Montpellier Centre ***
218 rue du Bastion Ventadour - 04 67 99 89 89
Rooms: from €79.

Hotel Le Guilhem ***
18 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 04 67 52 90 90
Rooms (1 or 2 persons): from €96.

Espace Logement Etudiant

From July to October 2010, in the CORUM, Montpellier. For newcomers to find accommodation. Free entrance.
A large choice of apartments: more than 2,000 adverts updated every day.
Bilingual advisors offer personalized search assistance
Visitors dispose of several tools and logistic such as 6 free-call telephones, 10 computers with optimal Internet access to simplify tasks.
You are accompanied while completing all administrative procedures. There are partner stands in the fair to facilitate procedures: Ville de Montpellier, CAF, LMDE, CROUS, LCL, Le Crédit Lyonnais, TAM…).

Le Corum, Salon du Belvédère
Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, 34000 Montpellier

For further information about the “Espace Logement Etudiant” visit

Websites for Private Individuals real estate agency online free, no need to register and constantly uploaded free, for “individuals” you need to register, free, student section The Montpellier Tourist Office helps you prepare your stay thanks to its online reservation service. You can compare multiple offers in real time, reserve and pay.

House and Apartment Sharing Websites

You have three options:
·       Writing your own classified advertisement.
·       Looking for accommodation offers: people who already have an apartment and are looking for an apartment mate.
·       Looking for advertisements: people who are looking for accommodation, and who specify their requirements.
Price: to get phone numbers, emails, addresses etc., you need to call 08 99 78 05 05 (€1,80) or text “CODE” to 81021 (€2) to get a password. You can use it for 24 hours only!

You can post and consult ads for free, but you will need to pay in order to get advertisers’ contact information. You can subscribe for 10 days, 1 month, 2 months, 6 months or a year.

You have two options:
·       Looking for apartment/house sharing offers
·       Suggesting apartment/house sharing for people who already have an apartment and try to fill rooms.
There is a difference between basic and premium members: Basic members can answer to every post and contact all members, but premium members have additional access to all members’ personal data and appear among the first advertisement search results. So you would better subscribe as a premium member.

               House/Apartment Sharing with Elder People - 04 67 54 95 12
You need to be a student, over 18 and have a moral referent. You will have an individual interview and be asked to join the association (€95/year).


               General Information
Accommodation from the CROUS (Centre Régional d’Oeuvres Universitaires et Sociales): CROUS accommodation divides students into 4 categories, in which criteria and prices vary:
·  Scholars CROUS
·  Exchange program (Erasmus, CREPUQ…)
·  EGIDE: agreement between embassies and students
·  Criteria: with the qualification in studies: Master 1-2. Thesis or specific schools such as Grandes Ecoles, Classe Préparatoire, IUT... This category is mostly for people who have decided to come to France to study on their own, without any agreement with a university or with their embassy.

               Useful Information
Affectation to 6 Student residence halls.
12 other residences
Leaflets for International Student accommodation are available in Spanish and English on the Internet.
1,700 accommodations (for the whole CROUS of Montpellier):
·       Scholars & individual students: around 1,000
·       Exchange programs: around 600
·       EGIDE: about 60
Quota international students housed: about 20 %.

Room: (Bathroom+WC, common kitchen on the floor): €137/ 230, no service charges
“Studette”: €240 /360, no service charges
Residences: €284 /360 + service charges

Warrantors and Deposit

               Students who Want to Rent CROUS Accommodation
·       In students’ residence halls: the University is the warrantor.
·       For the students who are in EGIDE and Scholars categories: they need a warrantor to rent studios.
·       For students without any agreement: a warrantor is compulsory.
·       Someone who lives and works in France or someone who lives abroad but is liable to tax in France.
·       Or the student has to pay the amount twice a year.

               Students who Want to Rent Private Accommodation
To rent a apartment in any kind of real estate agencies:
·       You need to have a French warrantor, someone who lives and works in France or someone who lives abroad but is liable to tax in France.
·       You can have recourse to the banking deposit, i.e. you have to freeze a year of rent money on a bank account: for instance the bank BNP Paribas suggests an “Offre Jeunes Appart”. The bank is in charge of your deposit, your insurance and your security deposit.

               Students who Work or Professionals
You can be helped by:
Action Logement “LOCAPASS”:
3rue des Catalpas, BP 35125 - 04 67 06 85 00

Financial aids
·       APL: This aid is aimed at students and people who work
·       ALS: This one is just for students

In order to receive all the information concerning these aids, you have to go to the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF).

Caisse d'allocations familiales de Montpellier
139, avenue de Lodève

Student Branch:
Avenue de la Pompignane

More information
CROUS Montpellier
2, rue Monteil, BP 5053 - 04 67 41 50 00 or 04 67 41 50 38

« Le Phare »: common system of the CROUS and the “Pole Universitaire Européen”.
63 rue Auguste Broussonnet, Rez-de-Chaussée de l'Institut de Botanique - Tram station Albert 1er

Montpellier Attractive Cité

Real Estate Agencies

This real estate agency welcomes a lot of international students and professionals, and can provide different types of accommodation. Its employees are English friendly and will receive you in French or, in English.

Agence Immobilière Lamy-Montpellier
1 rue Baudin (Place de la Comédie)
To buy: 04 67 06 83 63; To rent: 04 67 06 83 62

Apartments and Lexics

PART. = particulier = individual
T1: Type 1 pièce= studio=between 17 and 30m² with a bathroom (shower or bath) and an equipped kitchen in the room.
T1 bis= studio avec cuisine séparée= a studio with a separated kitchen
T2: Type 2pièces= 2pièces distinctes et séparées= 2 rooms
P2: Pièces 2= équivalent de T2= 2 rooms
F2= équivalent de T2 ou P2= 2 rooms
For the rent:
-TTC: toutes taxes comprises= all tax included
-TCC: toutes charges comprises= all charges included
-CC: charges comprises= charges included
- charges non comprises/incomprises= charges excluded

Stand. = standing
FA = frais d’agence = agency fees
Nf = neuf = new
Prox. = proximité = proximity
Hono. = honoraires = fees
Réc. = récent = recent

Rents: average prices for T3 apartments for a month